
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

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How an Exhaust System Works

How an Exhaust System Works

Your cars exhaust system is designed to carry away gases created when air and fuel are burned in the engine. The exhaust system is vital to your car and can cause problems if not functioning properly.


    When fuel is burned in your engine, waste gases are created. These harmful gases exit the engine through an exhaust manifold, which ties into an exhaust pipe to carry them away. Modern cars with fuel injected engines have oxygen sensors to monitor how much fuel is added into the engine for it to function properly. As new fuel is injected and burned, the waste gas that is created is flushed from the car via the exhaust pipe.


    The gas created in the engine can cause brain damage or even death if inhaled, so the exhaust system is designed to remove it without exposing you to the fumes. The exhaust pipe is designed so all toxins are flushed out and away from the car.


    It is important to have your exhaust system monitored frequently. Corrosion is a common problem in exhaust systems and holes can allow dangerous fumes to get into your car, harming you and your family. Also, if exhaust gases back up into the combustion area, they can cause damage to your engine.

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